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掌櫃物語 Tips of wellbeing and health:



冬菇中含有香菇素,可以幫助溶解膽固醇,減少血液中膽固醇沉積, 提高免疫力。

Mushrooms contain lentinin, which can help dissolve plasma and reduce plasma deposition in the blood.


*** 湯包並不含新鮮肉類和蔬茶

*** Soup pack does not include meat/ vegetables.

冬菇雪耳栗子素湯 Dried chestnut, mushroom and snow fungus vegan soup

  • 益氣厚胃、補腎壯腰、强筋活血

    Nourish Qi and stomach, tonifying the kidney and strengthening the waist, strengthen muscles and promotes blood circulation

  • 大隻花菇, 雪耳 , 栗子乾, 腰果, 紅棗,  蜜棗

    Ingredients:  mushroom, snow fungus , dried chestnut, cashew nut, dried red dates

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