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掌櫃物語 Tips of Wellbeing and Health:



The lotus leaf can relieve heat and promote dampness, invigorate the spleen and raise yang, cure heat and polydipsia, headache, dizziness, and edema.



*** 湯包並不含新鮮肉類和蔬茶

*** Soup pack does not include meat/ vegetables.

荷葉蓮藕祛濕湯 Pork bones soup with dried lotus leaf and dried lotus root

  • 清熱祛濕、排水消腫

    Clearing away heat and dampness, draining water and reducing swelling

  • 荷葉、薏米、赤小豆、蓮藕乾、綠豆、陳皮、乾薑片

    Dried lotus leaf、Semen Coicis、Rice bean、Dried lotus root、Green beans、Dried tangerine peel、 Dried sliceed ginger

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